Miss Shelly, Franny's teacher, suggests that Franny study what the other kids like, kind of like an experiment, so that she can fit in a little better. Franny does her homework and ends up conforming quite well except that she abandons everything that made her Franny.
One day, a Giant Monstrous Fiend emerges from the trashcan composed of old gum, gym shoes, trash. and unstable industrial waste! The worst part is that the monster takes Miss Shelly and heads for the flagpole! Franny to the rescue! She quickly sews together all the lunchmeat from everyone's sandwiches and combines this with some leftover unstable industrial waste resulting in the creation of a Lunch-Meat Creature. The Giant Monstrous Fiend drops Miss Shelly on a stack of white bread slices that Franny assmebled for just such a situation, while the Lunch-Meat Creature pulls the flagpole from the ground and winds up to bat the Giant Monstrous Fiend into the next century! After saving the day, the kids all love Franny just the way she is and she finally feels accepted. Second graders and up will enjoy this series that features illustrations on each page.
Genre: Fantasy
Benton, J. (2003). Franny K. Stein mad scientist: Lunch walks among us. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.
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