Judy Moody is a third grader with an attitude. Set with the task to build a ME collage Judy catalogs her school experiences by the categories she needs to fulfill for her poster such as: secret clubs, favorite pet, the worst thing ever and the funniest thing ever. She has a younger brother named Stink, a best friend named Rocky and a new, unlikely friend in Frank Pearl. A smart girl, Judy aspires to be a doctor when she grows up and she even sends away for a doll to practice her healing skills on, but when Stink causes Hedda-Get-Betta's head to get stuck on its chicken pox face she uses her quick thinking and her stash of "fancy" Band-Aids to cure her patient like she believes her idol, Elizabeth Blackwell, First Woman Doctor, would've done in a similar situation. A humorous story with lots of imagination third grade readers and up will appreciate Judy's attitude and imaginative mind that allows her to travel to China as well as find "moon" rocks.
Genre: Realisitic Fiction
McDonald, M. (2000). Judy Moody. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
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